Join us on Sunday March 5th at 7:30pm for our annual International Women’s Day Festival. This year we have a fantastic line-up of song, talk, performance and music, what’s not to like?
Our evening of entertainment will begin with a rousing performance by The Decibelles. Clare Morgan will then take to the stage to present us with ‘Food for thought!’. Clare is currently the NFU Cymru Welsh Woman Farmer of the year and is past chair of Pembrokeshire NFU 2018-2020. Clare’s passion for agriculture, food production and the environment is not just restricted to their own farm, but beyond the farm gate, helping to educate school children as part of the food story team.
After a short interval and raffle we will return to the stage with FADDS’ presentation of ‘The Colour of Women’, a celebration of women through poetry and performance. Ellie Louc and Tarish will then take us to the close with a live music set.
As well as being an International Women’s Day celebration, the event is also a fundraiser for Hafan Cymru (, so any surplus ticket income from the evening will be donated to support the fantastic work they do within Pembrokeshire (and across Wales).
All Tickets: £ 8 – Doors open at 7:00pm so do join us for pre-show drinks in the bar area, Martha’s.
Ymunwch â ni ar ddydd Sul 5 Mawrth am 7:30pm ar gyfer ein Gŵyl Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Menywod flynyddol. Eleni mae gennym ni ganeuon gwych (The Decibelles), sgwrs (Clare Morgan), perfformiad (FADDS) a cherddoriaeth (Ellie Louc a Tarish), beth mwy sydd eisiau?
Yn ogystal â bod yn ddathliad Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Menywod, mae’r digwyddiad hefyd yn rhywbeth i godi arian ar gyfer Hafan Cymru (, felly bydd unrhyw incwm tocynnau dros ben o’r noson yn cael ei gyfrannu i gefnogi’r gwaith gwych y maent yn ei wneud yn Sir Benfro (ac ar draws Cymru).