COPA 71 (PG)
Director: James Erskine, Rachel Ramsay/Mexico/2023/90mins
The forgotten story of the Women’s World Cup in Mexico in 1971. Ignored and shunned by the male dominated football associations of the world at the time, this was the largest women’s sporting event of the 20th Century. A story that was written out of history until now.
Cyfarwyddwr: James Erskine, Rachel Ramsay/Mexico/2023/90munud
Stori anghyfarwydd o Gwpan Byd y Merched ym Mecsico ym 1971. Wedi’i hanwybyddu gan y cymdeithasau pêl-droed, oedd yn cael eu dominyddu gan ddynion ar y pryd, dyma oedd digwyddiad chwaraeon merched mwyaf yr 20fed Ganrif. Stori wir sydd heb ei hysgrifennu hyd nawr.