TILL (12A)
Director: Director: Chinone Chukwu/USA/2022/130mins – Chinone Chukwu/UDA/2022/130munud
‘Till’ tells the profoundly emotional and true story of Mamie Till Mobley, who in 1955 pursued justice for her teenage son Emmett, lynched while visiting relatives In Mississippi. When his body is returned to his mother, his open casket funeral lets the world see what has been done to this child. Seen by thousands, the monstrous nature of the crime galvanised the civil-rights movement.
Mae ‘Till’ yn adrodd stori hynod emosiynol a gwir Mamie Till Mobley. Aeth hi ati, ym 1955 i geisio cyfiawnder i’w mab, Emmett. Bu ef farw yn ei arddegau, pan y lladdwyd ef wrth ymweld â pherthnasau ym Mississippi. Pan ddychwelir ei gorff i’w fam, mae hi’n trefnu angladd ‘arch agored’ iddo, fel bod y byd yn gweld beth sydd wedi ei wneud iw phlentyn. Gwyliodd miloedd o bobl, ac o ganlyniad, yr oedd y drosedd yn fodd i gryfhau achos y mudiad hawliau sifil.