Fishguard Film Society
Director: Elena Naveriani/Switzerland,Georgia/2023/110mins/subtitles
Eka Chavleishvili plays Etero, an independently single middle-aged shopkeeper in a remote Georgian village who, after a near-death experience, starts a romantic relationship with a flirtatious new delivery man Murman (Temiko Chichinadze). Etero must grapple with her newfound feelings and decide how to find her own path to happiness.
‘Chavleishvili is terrific, her Etero displays a combination of severity and sensuality that should be incongruous but works beautifully’, Wendy Ide.
Cyfawrwyddwr: Elena Naveriani/Switzerland,Georgia/2023/110munud/Isdeitlau
Gem gomig ysgafn o Georgia. Nid yw Etero ( Eka Chavleishvili ) sy’n ganol oed, erioed wedi bod eisiau gŵr, ac mae’n falch o’i hannibyniaeth; yna mae hi’n syrthio mewn cariad dros ei phen a’i chlustiau gyda Murman (Temiko Chichinadze). Stori ryfeddol dyner am unigrwydd ac angerdd. ‘Mae Chavleishvili yn wych, mae ei Etero yn dangos cyfuniad o ddifrifoldeb a cnawdolrwydd a ddylai fod yn anghydweddol ond sy’n gweithio’n hyfryd’, Wendy Ide.