


‘Credaf mai fy mywyd i fy hun yw’r thema fwyaf y gwn amdani. Nid oes dim canolig yn digwydd yn fy mywyd i’.

Sioe sy’n dilyn bywyd un o awduron pwysicaf Cymru – Kate Roberts. Wedi’i geni yn Rhosgadfan, gwelodd effeithiau’r Rhyfel Mawr ar ei theulu a’i chymuned; wrth ddarganfod mwy am ei chefndir, cawn well dealltwriaeth o’r hyn a’i gorfododd i ysgrifennu. 

Gwerinwraig, genedlaetholgar sydd yma ac er bod Cymru wedi mynnu rhoi statws barchus iddi, rebal styfnig oedd Kate yn y bôn – dynes o flaen ei hamser yn byw a gweithio mewn byd o ddynion ac yn un a roddodd lais i’r bobl gyffredin trwy ei gwaith. 

Roedd hi’n gweld anhegwch ac anghydbwysedd yn y byd ac mae wedi cael ei berniadu’n aml am fod yn besimistaidd ond gweld y gwir oedd hi – y gwir sy’n ddarn o hanes ein gwlad – a hynny drwy ei bywyd hi ei hun.

Sera Cracroft sy’n portreadu Kate Roberts yn y ddrama Gymraeg un fenyw yma.

‘I believe that my own life is the biggest theme I know about. Nothing mediocre happens in my life’

A show that follows the life of one of Wales’ most important authors – Kate Roberts. Born in Rhosgadfan, she saw the effects of the Great War on her family and her community; in discovering more about her background, we gain a better understanding of what compelled her to write. 

Although given a ‘respectable’ status by the Welsh community, in truth, she was a stubborn rebel – a woman before her time who worked in the world of men and who gave a voice, through her writing, to the ordinary person. 

She saw unfairness and unbalance in the world and whilst she was often criticised for being pessimistic, in reality she saw the truth – the truth that is a part of our history – and which she experienced herself throughout her life.

Sera Cracroft portrays Kate Roberts in this one woman Welsh language play.

Welsh language play