FADDS Youth Summer School is back! After our two year break, our renowned week of workshops culminating in the always fabulous “Play In A Week” will be once again held at Theatr Gwaun this summer. A chance to learn, build confidence, achieve, share opportunities, make friends and most importantly have FUN!
Workshops: Mon 15th – Fri 19th August 9.30am – 3.30pm
Improvisation, devising, vocal, movement, backstage, props, costume, set and publicity.
Play In A Week: Will be devised throughout the week’s workshops and performed as part of the FADDS review show CELEBRATE on Fri 19th & Sat 20th Aug 7pm at Theatr Gwaun.
£60 for the week – early bird discount of £10 for those booked prior to 31.07.22