


Director: Benjamin Renner & Guylo Homsy/2023/USA,France,Canada/91mins 

A family of ducks try to convince their overprotective father Mack to go on the vacation of a lifetime. His more adventurous wife, Pam is leading the journey south for the winter. They are joined by their two kids Dax and Gwen and Mack’s Uncle Dan and together they are having the time of their lives. 

A funny and entertaining animation that you will love.  

Cyfarwyddwr: Benjamin Renner & Guylo Homsy/2023/USA,Ffrainc,Canada/91munud 

Mae teulu o hwyaid yn ceisio argyhoeddi eu tad goramddiffynnol, Mack, i fynd ar wyliau. Mae ei wraig fwy anturus, Pam, yn arwain y daith tua’r de am y gaeaf. Yn ymuno â nhw mae eu dau blentyn, a gyda’i gilydd maent yn cael amser gwych. 

Animeiddiad doniol a difyr y byddwch chi’n ei garu.