Director: John Waters/1988/USA/92mins
This ‘cult film’ follows Tracy Turnblad as she achieves her dream of becoming a regular on the Corny Collins Dance Show. Now a teen hero, she uses her fame to speak for the cause she believes in, integration. In doing so, she earns the wrath of the show’s former star, Amber Von Tussle, as well as Amber’s manipulative, pro-segregation parents. The rivalry comes to a head as Amber and Tracy vie for the title of Miss Auto Show 1963.
Mae’r ‘ffilm gwlt’ hon yn dilyn Tracy Turnblad wrth iddi wireddu ei breuddwyd o ddod yn berfformwraig rheolaidd ar Sioe Ddawns Corny Collins. Bellach yn arwr yn ei harddegau, mae hi’n defnyddio ei enwogrwydd i siarad dros yr achos y mae’n credu ynddo, – sef, integreiddio. Wrth wneud hynny, mae hi’n ennill digofaint cyn-seren y sioe, Amber Von Tussle, yn ogystal â’i rhieni ystrywgar, sydd o blaid segregeiddio. Daw’r cyfan I ben wrth i Amber a Tracy ymladd dros deitl Miss Auto Show 1963.