


Dylan is a recording artist for the prestigious German record label, Acoustic Music Records and has been involved with them for almost twenty years now. His new CD, Ebb & Flow was released in Spring 2024 and he is actively looking for opportunities to share his music and continue the journey. Ebb & Flow is the fifth album on Acoustic Music Records and is the culmination of years of work creating solo pieces that reflect his journey from the Celtic music of his native Wales through the rich musical landscape that he’s navigated throughout his forty years as a professional musician.

‘The single most wonderful thing about the music of Dylan Fowler is how quickly the listener becomes unconscious of the fact that one is listening to a guitar! The profound musicality of Dylan’s writing and playing makes for an experience that transcends the bounds of what is often accepted as ‘guitar music’. Dylan creates fine, memorable, emotionally engaging music which goes light years beyond the obvious fact that he is a very talented player of his chosen instrument.’

Don Ross, Canada.

Mae Dylan yn artist recordio ar gyfer y label recordio Almaeneg mawreddog, Acoustic Music Records ac mae wedi bod yn ymwneud â nhw ers bron i ugain mlynedd. Rhyddhawyd ei gryno ddisg newydd, Ebb & Flow yng Ngwanwyn 2024 ac mae wrthi’n chwilio am gyfleoedd i rannu ei gerddoriaeth a pharhau â’r daith. Ebb & Flow yw’r pumed albwm ar Recordiau Cerddoriaeth Acwstig ac mae’n benllanw blynyddoedd o waith yn creu darnau unigol sy’n adlewyrchu ei daith o gerddoriaeth Geltaidd ei Gymru enedigol drwy’r dirwedd gerddorol gyfoethog y mae wedi’i llywio ar hyd ei ddeugain mlynedd fel cerddor proffesiynol.

‘Y peth mwyaf rhyfeddol am gerddoriaeth Dylan Fowler yw pa mor gyflym mae’r gwrandäwr yn dod yn anymwybodol o’r ffaith bod rhywun yn gwrando ar gitâr! Mae cerddoroldeb dwfn ysgrifennu a chwarae Dylan yn creu profiad sy’n mynd y tu hwnt i ffiniau’r hyn a dderbynnir yn aml fel ‘cerddoriaeth gitâr’. Mae Dylan yn creu cerddoriaeth gain, gofiadwy, emosiynol ddifyr sy’n mynd blynyddoedd ysgafn y tu hwnt i’r ffaith amlwg ei fod yn chwaraewr dawnus iawn o’i ddewis offeryn.’

Don Ross, Canada.