Count Almaviva lives with his Countess on their estate near Seville. The Count has his eye on his wife’s maid Susanna, who is about to marry the Count’s servant, Figaro. Much to Figaro’s dismay, the Count plans to seduce Susanna on the night of the wedding. Meanwhile, Cherubino, the Count’s young page, has a crush on the Countess, but has just been dismissed after being discovered with Barbarina, the gardener Antonio’s daughter.
Figaro decides he must foil the Count’s attempt to seduce his wife-to-be and enlists the help of the Countess, Susanna and Cherubino – the latter disguising himself as a woman. A series of mistaken identities, misunderstandings and thwarted plans ensue, with all members of the household participating as each tries to get what – and who – they want.
Mae Iarll Almaviva yn byw gyda’i Iarlles ar eu stad ger Seville. Mae gan yr Iarll ei lygad ar forwyn ei wraig Susanna, sydd ar fin priodi gwas yr Iarll, Figaro. Er mawr siom i Figaro, mae’r Iarll yn bwriadu hudo Susanna ar noson y briodas. Yn y cyfamser, mae gan Cherubino, gwas ifanc yr Iarll, ddiddordeb yn yr Iarlles, ond mae newydd gael ei ddiswyddo ar ôl cael ei ddarganfod gyda Barbarina, merch y garddwr Antonio.
Mae Figaro yn penderfynu bod yn rhaid iddo rwystro ymgais yr Iarll i hudo ei ddarpar wraig ac mae’n cael cymorth yr Iarlles, Susanna a Cherubino – gyda’r olaf yn cuddio’i hun fel menyw. Mae cyfres o gamddealltwriaethau a chynlluniau rhwystredig yn dilyn, gyda phob aelod o’r cartref yn cymryd rhan wrth i bob un geisio deall beth a phwy y maen nhw ei eisiau!