Director: İlker Çatak/Germany/2023/98mins/Subtitles
Leonie Benesch excels as Carla Novak, a young, idealistic secondary school teacher struggling to reconcile her ideals with the heavy handed approach of her school’s management as they investigate a spate of petty thefts. The consequences of Novak’s well-intentioned actions spiral out of control as relationships between staff, pupils and their parents sour.
Director İlker Çatak drew on experiences from his own school days to create ‘a gripping thriller, a fine exercise in restrained but mounting tension’ (Jessica Kiang, Variety).
Cyfarwyddwr: İlker Çatak/Almaen/2023/98munud/ISdeitlau
Mae Leonie Benesch yn rhagori fel Carla Novak, athrawes ysgol uwchradd ddelfrydyddol ifanc sy’n brwydro i gysoni ei delfrydau â dull llawdrwm rheolwyr ei hysgol wrth iddynt ymchwilio i fân ladradau. Mae canlyniadau gweithredoedd llawn bwriadau da Novak yn mynd allan o reolaeth wrth i berthnasoedd rhwng staff, disgyblion a’u rhieni suro.
Tynnodd y cyfarwyddwr İlker Çatak ar brofiadau o’i ddyddiau ysgol ei hun i greu ‘cyffro afaelgar, ymarfer gwych mewn tensiwn cynnil ond cynyddol’ (Jessica Kiang, Variety).