FADDS Present The Odd Couple
Neil Simon’s classic comedy opens as a group of the guys are in the midst of their weekly poker game in the New York apartment of divorced sportswriter, Oscar Madison. The once lovely apartment has deteriorated into a slovenly mess since his wife left him. The last to arrive is Felix Ungar, who has just been thrown out by his wife. Felix is depressed and seemingly suicidal, leading Oscar to invite Felix to move in with him.
At first, Felix’s love of order seems the perfect answer to Oscar’s messy house, careless spending and gambling problems but he soon drives Oscar to the edge of madness with his fussiness and hypochondriac ways. Oscar must decide whether to let his friend stay and drive him crazy or throw him out to retain his sanity.
Mae comedi glasurol Neil Simon yn agor wrth i grŵp o ddynion chwarae eu gêm pocer wythnosol mewn fflat, yn Efrog Newydd. Mae’r fflat, sy’n berchen i Oscar Madison wedi dirywio’n llanast llwyr ers i’w wraig ei adael. Yr olaf i gyrraedd y gêm yw Felix Ungar, sydd newydd gael ei daflu allan gan ei wraig. Mae Felix yn isel ei ysbryd ac yn bygwth cymryd ei fywyd ei hun. Mae hyn yn arwain Oscar i wahodd Felix i symud i mewn gydag ef.
Ar y dechrau, mae cariad Felix at drefn i’w weld yn ateb perffaith i dŷ blêr Oscar, ei wariant diofal a’i broblemau gamblo ….ond buan iawn y mae’n gyrru Oscar i ymyl gwallgofrwydd gyda’i ffys a’i ffyrdd hypochondriac. Rhaid i Oscar benderfynu a ddylai adael i’w ffrind aros a’i yrru’n wallgof neu ei daflu allan i gadw ei bwyll.