
The Great Escaper


Director: Oliver Parker/2023/UK,USA/96mins

In this heart-warming true story of a veteran war hero, Bernard (Michael Caine), sneaked out of his seaside care home, where he lived with his wife Irene (Glenda Jackson),  on a secret mission to get aboard a cross-channel ferry to attend the 70th anniversary celebrations of the D-day landings in Normandy. “There is something moving and even awe-inspiring in seeing these two British icons together”. Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian. 

Cyfarwyddwr: Oliver Parker/2023/UK,USA/96munud

Yn y stori wir dwymgalon hon am arwr rhyfel hynafol, mae Bernard (Michael Caine), yn sleifio allan o’i gartref gofal glan môr (lle bu’n byw gyda’i wraig Irene (Glenda Jackson),  ar daith ddirgel i groesi’r sianel a mynychu dathliadau 70 mlynedd ers glaniadau D-day yn Normandi. “Mae yna rywbeth teimladwy a hyd yn oed syfrdanol wrth weld y ddau eicon Prydeinig yma gyda’i gilydd”. Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian.