Director: Pat Collins/Ireland,UK/2023/111mins
Adapted from the novel by John McGahern, Joe and Kate have returned to Ireland to live in a community near where Joe grew up. Embedded in this rural life, the drama of a year in their lives and those of the memorable characters that move about them unfolds through the rituals of work, play and the passing seasons as this enclosed world becomes an everywhere.
Cyfarwyddwr: Pat Collins/Ireland,UK/2023/111munud
Wedi’i haddasu o’r nofel gan John McGahern, mae Joe a Kate wedi dychwelyd i Iwerddon i fyw mewn cymuned gerllaw lle cafodd Joe ei fagu. Mae’r ffilm wedi‘i gwreiddio yn y bywyd gwledig hwn. Mae’n ddrama blwyddyn yn eu bywydau, ac mae’r cymeriadau cofiadwy sy’n symud o’u cwmpas yn datblygu trwy ddefodau gwaith, chwarae a’r tymhorau a aeth heibio wrth i’r byd caeedig hwn droi’n fyd ym mhobman.