Directors: Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers, Justin K. Thompson/2022/USA/140mins
The Oscar-winning Spider-Verse saga is back and Miles is catapulted into a world where everyone has Spider powers. How can he be a hero in a world where he isn’t the exception? Oscar Isaac, Mahershala Ali and Ziggy Marley provide just some of the many voiceovers.
Mae’r saga Spider-Verse, sydd wedi ennill gwobrau Oscar, yn ei hôl ac mae Miles wedi’i daflu i fyd lle mae gan bawb bwerau arbennig. Sut y gall fod yn arwr mewn byd lle nad yw’n eithriad? Mae Oscar Isaac, Mahershala Ali a Ziggy Marley yn darparu rhai o’r trosleisiau niferus.