
Simffoni Mara Evening

Simffoni Mara Evening

Simffoni Mara – Sunday 24th September 7:30pm – Theatr Gwaun
David Pepper – Piano
Richard Wheeler – Poet
Daniel Davies – Cello
Visuals capturing the local landscape by Landscape Film Maker Conner Malone

David Pepper will be collaborating with a small chamber of musicians, poets, and visual artists on the final night of this year’s festival Ar Ymyl y Tir 2023 On Land’s Edge.

First Set

Arvo Part – vater unser – Piano and Cello

David Pepper – Journeys – Piano and Visuals

John Cage – In a Landscape – Piano and Visuals

New festival commission by composer Christopher Fox

Christopher Fox – ‘On the horizon (I write your name)’ – Piano Premiere

Philip Glass – Etudes for Piano No.11 – Piano


Second Set
Arvo Part – Spiegel im Spiegel – Piano and Cello

Richard Wheeler – Sea Glass – Poetry accompanied by Following the Sounds of Water – Piano, Cello and Visuals

Gavin Bryars – With Miriam by the River – Piano and Cello

John Metcalf – Ynys Las – Piano and Cello

Richard Wheeler – Provenance – Poetry accompanied by Piano, Cello and Visuals

David, Daniel and Richard recently performed together at a concert in Ebenezer Chapel where they presented a variety of pieces for cello and piano, solo piano and poetry and music collaborations. They now look to take this further by including a visual element for this event in Theatr Gwaun. Reflecting this year’s festival theme of ‘journeys’, the evening will communicate a feeling of journeying through the landscape.

Simffoni Mara has been a key part of On Land’s Edge from its inception in 2021. The project is the realisation of a lifetime’s dream for Myles Pepper, with a commitment to commissioning new music inspired by the links between Wales and Ireland. The project is music-led but takes in a wide range of arts forms. The brief is simple, to create works inspired by life on the edge of the Irish Sea. Cwmni Mara is proud to announce the premiere of ‘On the Horizon (I write your name)’ composed by Christopher Fox for solo piano for this year’s festival.

Daniel Davies
Originally from Pembrokeshire, Daniel Davies studied Cello at the Royal College of Music and the Guildhall School. He also had a series of masterclasses with the acclaimed Hungarian cellist Janos Starker. Daniel is a passionate chamber musician and currently works as artistic director of Nantwen Music where he performs in an annual festival of string chamber music with a focus on Welsh Classical Composers. He plays on a Flemish cello by an unknown maker dated from 1720.

Richard Wheeler
Richard Wheeler is a published poet living near Newport, Pembrokeshire. Richard’s first collection ‘I of Modern Nature’ was submitted for Book of the Year 2022 by the publisher, Cambria Books. The poems are thought provoking, uplifting, lyrical, sound-rich, memorable and challenging with a crystal-clear poetic voice. As the title suggests, many of the poems have their roots in our complex and evolving relationship with the natural world.

Simffoni Mara – Dydd Sul 24ain Medi 7:30yh – Theatr Gwaun
David Pepper – Piano
Richard Wheeler – Bardd
Daniel Davies – Sielo
Connor Malone ac Ieuan Thomas – Delweddau

Bydd David Pepper yn cydweithio â cherddorfa fechan, beirdd ac artistiaid gweledol ar noson olaf gŵyl Ar Ymyl y Tir 2023 On Land’s Edge eleni.

Yn ddiweddar bu David, Daniel a Richard yn perfformio gyda’i gilydd mewn cyngerdd yng Nghapel Ebeneser lle buont yn cyflwyno amrywiaeth o ddarnau ar gyfer soddgrwth a phiano, unawd piano a chydweithrediadau barddoniaeth a cherddoriaeth.

Maent yn awr yn bwriadu mynd â hyn ymhellach drwy gynnwys elfen weledol ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn yn Theatr Gwaun. Gan adlewyrchu thema’r ŵyl eleni, sef ‘teithiau’, bydd y noson yn cyfleu teimlad o deithio drwy’r dirwedd.

Mae Simffoni Mara wedi bod yn rhan allweddol o On Land’s Edge ers ei sefydlu yn 2021. Mae’r prosiect yn gwireddu breuddwyd oes i Myles Pepper, gydag ymrwymiad i gomisiynu cerddoriaeth newydd wedi’i hysbrydoli gan y cysylltiadau rhwng Cymru ac Iwerddon. Mae’r prosiect yn cael ei arwain gan gerddoriaeth ond yn cynnwys ystod eang o ffurfiau celfyddydol hefyd. Mae’r briff yn syml, sef creu gweithiau sydd wedi’u hysbrydoli gan fywyd ar gyrion Môr yr Iwerydd. Mae Cwmni Mara yn falch o gyhoeddi premiere ‘Ar y Gorwel (I write your name)’ a gyfansoddwyd gan Christopher Fox ar gyfer unawd piano ar gyfer yr ŵyl eleni.

Daniel Davies
Yn wreiddiol o Sir Benfro, astudiodd Daniel Davies sielo yn y Coleg Cerdd Brenhinol ac Ysgol y Guildhall. Cafodd hefyd gyfres o ddosbarthiadau meistr gyda’r sielydd clodwiw o Hwngari, Janos Starker. Mae Daniel yn gerddor siambr angerddol ac ar hyn o bryd mae’n gweithio fel cyfarwyddwr artistig Cerddoriaeth Nantwen lle mae’n perfformio mewn gŵyl flynyddol o gerddoriaeth siambr llinynnol gyda ffocws ar Gyfansoddwyr Clasurol Cymreig. Mae’n chwarae ar sielo Ffleminaidd gan wneuthurwr anhysbys sy’n dyddio o 1720.

Richard Wheeler
Mae Richard Wheeler yn fardd cyhoeddedig sy’n byw ger Trefdraeth, Sir Benfro. Cyflwynwyd casgliad cyntaf Richard, sef ‘I of Modern Nature’ ar gyfer Llyfr y Flwyddyn 2022 gan y cyhoeddwr, Cambria Books. Mae’r cerddi’n procio’r meddwl, yn ddyrchafol, yn delynegol, yn gyfoethog o sain, yn gofiadwy ac yn heriol gyda llais barddonol crisial-glir. Fel mae’r teitl yn ei awgrymu, mae gwreiddiau llawer o’r cerddi yn ein perthynas gymhleth ac esblygol â byd natur.