


The peaceful village of Bebko is alive with joyous celebrations. Suddenly, under attack, everything changes forever. Three siblings, Leto, Mati and Tana, must embark on perilous

journeys in order to survive.

Message In A Bottle is a spectacular new dance-theatre show from five-time Olivier Award nominee, Kate Prince, inspired by and set to the iconic hits of 17-time Grammy Award- winning artist Sting, including Every Breath You Take, Roxanne, Walking On The Moon and more. With a mix of exhilarating dance styles, high-energy footwork and breath-taking athleticism, Message In A Bottle tells a unifying and uplifting story of humanity and hope.

Message In A Bottle is the latest masterpiece from the ground-breaking creator behind West End hits Some Like it Hip Hop, Into the Hoods, Everybody’s Talking About Jamie (choreography) and SYLVIA (Old Vic), and features the astonishing talents of dance storytelling powerhouse, ZooNation: The Kate Prince Company.

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Mae pentref heddychlon Bebko yn fyw gyda dathliadau llawen. Yn sydyn, o dan ymosodiad, mae popeth yn newid am byth. Rhaid i dri o frodyr a chwiorydd, Leto, Mati a Tana, gychwyn yn beryglus

teithiau er mwyn goroesi.

Mae Message In A Bottle yn sioe theatr ddawns newydd ysblennydd gan Kate Prince, a enwebwyd ar gyfer Gwobr Olivier bum gwaith, wedi’i hysbrydoli gan ac wedi’i gosod i ganeuon eiconig yr artist Sting sydd wedi ennill 17 o Wobrau Grammy, gan gynnwys Every Breath You Take, Roxanne, Cerdded Ar y Lleuad a mwy. Gyda chymysgedd o arddulliau dawns gwefreiddiol, troedwaith egni uchel ac athletiaeth syfrdanol, mae Message In A Bottle yn adrodd stori unedig a dyrchafol o ddynoliaeth a gobaith.

Message In A Bottle yw’r campwaith diweddaraf gan y crëwr arloesol y tu ôl i hits West End Some Like it Hip Hop, Into the Hoods, Everybody’s Talking About Jamie (coreograffi) a SYLVIA (Old Vic), ac mae’n cynnwys doniau rhyfeddol adrodd straeon dawns. pwerdy, ZooNation: The Kate Prince Company.