Director: Celine Song/2023/USA, Korea/105mins
“Past Lives” is a wistful ‘what-if’ story about two people, the children they were and the adults they become. The movie follows them through the years and across assorted reunions, separations and continents as well as milestones momentous and ordinary. It’s a tale of friendship, love, regret and what it means to truly live here and now.
Mae “Past Lives’ yn stori ‘beth-os’ bert am ddau berson, y plant oedden nhw a’r oedolion maen nhw’n tyfu i fod. Mae’r ffilm yn eu dilyn trwy’r blynyddoedd ac ar draws aduniadau, gwahaniadau a chyfandiroedd amrywiol yn ogystal â cherrig milltir pwysig a chyffredin. Mae’n stori am gyfeillgarwch, cariad, edifeirwch a’r hyn y mae’n ei olygu i wir fyw yn y presennol.