
My Sailor, My Love

My Sailor, My Love (12A)

James Cosmo stars as Howard, a retired sea captain, who refuses any help from his daughter Grace. When she hires Annie as domestic help for him, Howard unexpectedly falls in love and gives all his affection to Annie and her family, but rejects his own daughter. It’s a story about a guilt-affected daughter-father relationship but it’s also a love story between two elderly people, proving that a new beginning is never too late.

Mae James Cosmo yn serennu fel Howard, capten môr wedi ymddeol, sy’n gwrthod unrhyw gymorth gan ei ferch Grace. Pan mae’n hirio Annie fel cymorth domestig iddo, mae Howard yn syrthio mewn cariad yn annisgwyl ac yn rhoi ei holl anwyldeb i Annie a’i theulu, ond yn gwrthod ei ferch ei hun. Mae’n stori am berthynas rhwng merch a’i thad sy’n edrych ar effaith euogrwydd, ond sydd hefyd yn stori garu rhwng dau berson oedrannus. Dyma brawf nad yw hi byth yn rhy hwyr i wneud dechrau newydd.