This stop-motion picture which follows Marcel, an adorable one-inch-tall shell, his grandmother Connie and their pet lint, Alan, in search for their long-lost family, will make you cry tears of sadness and inspiration. Marcel the Shell with Shoes On is remarkably sombre for a film so cute; it is a film about small adorable characters and animated inanimate objects.
Bydd y ffilm ‘stop-motion’ hwn (sy’n dilyn Marcel, cragen annwyl, un-modfedd o daldra, ei nain Connie a’u hanifeiliad anwes, Alan, wrth iddynt chwilio am eu teulu coll), yn gwneud ichi grio dagrau o dristwch ac ysbrydoliaeth. Mae Marcel the Shell with Shoes On yn hynod o dywyll am ffilm mor giwt; mae’n ffilm am gymeriadau bach annwyl a gwrthrychau difywyd animeiddiedig.