


Director: Emanuele Crialese/Italy, France/2023/99mins/ subtitles

Set in 1970s Rome, the film tracks the plight of a nuclear family, consisting of an unhappily married couple, Clara, played by Penelope Cruz, (a deeply dissatisfied expatriate Spaniard) and Felice (an abusive businessman cheating on Clara with his secretary), and their children Adriana, who identifies as a boy, Gino, and Diana.

Wedi’i gosod yn Rhufain y 1970au, mae’r ffilm yn olrhain cyflwr teulu niwclear, sy’n cynnwys pâr priod anhapus, Clara, a chwaraeir gan Penelope Cruz, (alltudiwr hynod anfodlon o Sbaen) a Felice (dyn busnes sarhaus sy’n cynnal perthynas gyda’i ysgrifenyddes), a’u plant Adriana, Gino, a Diana.