
FADDS Youth Promenade Theatre

Come join FADDS Youth on a journey … a journey of discovery, of location, of interest and of legends! Discover the secrets of performing, delve into the world of Promenade Theatre where we take you from location to location (all within easy walking distance, starting at Fishguard Town Hall and finishing at Theatr Gwaun). Let us tickle your interest and imagination regarding the local Legends and Myths of the area.

Aged between 8 and 16? Join us for a FREE workshop session at Theatr Gwaun in the morning 9:30am – 12:00pm, as we put the finishing touches to our performance.

Aged 0 – 100? Join us for a FREE unique experience in Promenade Theatre … Let us take you on a Journey! Gather at Fishguard Town Hall at 1:15pm, the performance concludes at Theatr Gwaun at approximately 2:30pm.

Date: Saturday September 23rd 9:30am – 12:00pm (workshop) and 1:15pm – 2:30pm (performance)
Ticket Price: FREE Event – Booking is required

Theatr Promenâd Ieuenctid FADDS

Dewch i ymuno â FADDS Youth ar daith … taith o ddarganfod, o leoliad, o ddiddordeb ac o chwedlau! Darganfyddwch gyfrinachau perfformio, treiddio i fyd Theatr y Promenâd lle rydym yn mynd â chi o leoliad i leoliad (i gyd o fewn pellter cerdded hawdd, gan ddechrau yn Neuadd y Dref Abergwaun a gorffen yn Theatr Gwaun). Gadewch i ni ogleisio eich diddordeb a’ch dychymyg ynglŷn â Chwedlau a Chwedlau lleol yr ardal.

Rhwng 8 ac 16 oed? Ymunwch â ni am sesiwn gweithdy AM DDIM yn Theatr Gwaun yn y bore 9:30yb – 12:00yp, wrth i ni orffen ein perfformiad.

0 – 100 oed? Ymunwch â ni am brofiad unigryw AM DDIM yn Theatr y Promenâd… Gadewch inni fynd â chi ar Daith! Ymgynnull yn Neuadd y Dref Abergwaun am 1:15pm, daw’r perfformiad i ben yn Theatr Gwaun tua 2:30pm.

Dyddiad: Dydd Sadwrn Medi 23ain 9:30yb – 12:00yp (gweithdy) a 1:15yp – 2:30yp (perfformiad)
Pris Tocyn: Digwyddiad AM DDIM – Mae angen archebu lle.