
FADDS Panto – Puss In Boots

FADDS Panto - Puss In Boots

It’s pantomime time at Theatr Gwaun!

Puss In Boots

What would you do with a Wish? Join Puss in Boots, who’s down to his last life trying to stay alive long enough to grab the last wish to reinstate his lives! What’s in his way? A Wolf, Bounty Hunters and a fairytale character who wants to take over the world!!

So, it must be Panto time, OH YES IT IS come and see how it all pans out … will Mama Bear keep her fur on, can Old Macdonald keep track of the storyline?

Come along and see this year’s fun and colourful frolics with Puss In Boots the Panto!

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Mae’n amser pantomein yn Theatr Gwaun

Puss In Boots

Beth fyddech chi’n ei wneud â Dymuniad? Ymunwch â Puss in Boots, sydd i lawr i’w fywyd olaf yn ceisio aros yn fyw yn ddigon hir i fachu ar y dymuniad olaf i adfer ei fywydau! Beth sydd yn ei ffordd? Blaidd, Helwyr Bounty a chymeriad stori dylwyth teg sydd eisiau meddiannu’r byd!!

Felly, mae’n rhaid ei bod hi’n amser y Panto, OH YDYNT, dewch i weld sut mae’r cyfan yn dod i ben… a wnaiff Mama Arth gadw ei ffwr ymlaen, a all Old Macdonald gadw golwg ar y stori? Dewch draw i weld y frolics hwyliog a lliwgar eleni gyda Puss In Boots y Panto!