ABBAGwaun Best Dressed Costume Competition
Here’s your chance to dress up in your favourite ABBA style costume for the Best Dressed Costume competition at Theatr Gwaun.
MC’d by Gwenno Dafydd, be prepared for lots of fun and laughter.
Entry fee: Adults £2 Children £1
Children age 15 and under
Fun prizes for the winners
Cystadleuaeth Gwisg Orau ABBAGwaun
Dyma’ch cyfle i wisgo i fyny yn eich hoff wisg arddull ABBA ar gyfer cystadleuaeth y Gwisg Orau yn Theatr Gwaun.
MC’d gan Gwenno Dafydd, byddwch yn barod am lawer o hwyl a sbri.
Tâl mynediad: Oedolion £2 Plant £1
Plant 15 oed ac iau
Gwobrau hwyliog i’r enillwyr