Director: Mike Leigh/2024/UK,Spain/97mins
Written and directed by Mike Leigh, ‘Hard Truths’ follows Pansy, a woman tormented by anxiety and depression who lashes out at both family and strangers alike. Growing increasingly isolated by her crumbling relationships, her jovial sister Chantal remains sympathetic despite their differences.
Marianne Jean-Baptiste’s masterclass performance as Pansy earned her a BAFTA nomination and was described by critics as “one of the best performances of the year”.
* * * * *
Cyfarwyddwr: Mike Leigh/2024/UK,Spain/97munud
Wedi’i hysgrifennu a’i chyfarwyddo gan Mike Leigh, mae ‘Hard Truths’ yn dilyn Pansy, menyw sydd wedi’i phoenydio gan orbryder ac iselder sy’n llaesu allan at deulu a dieithriaid fel ei gilydd. Gan dyfu fwyfwy ynysig gan ei pherthynas dadfeilio, mae ei chwaer ddibwys Chantal yn parhau i fod yn gydymdeimladol er gwaethaf eu gwahaniaethau.
Enillodd perfformiad dosbarth meistr Marianne Jean-Baptiste fel Pansy enwebiad BAFTA iddi ac fe’i disgrifiwyd gan feirniaid fel “un o berfformiadau gorau’r flwyddyn”.