Director: Tania Vincent. Ricard Cussó/2024/Australia/84mins
After a terrifying storm destroys their home, a kooky family of sloths move to the big city with nothing but their rusted old food truck and a prized cookbook of family recipes.
When their new family business becomes a booming success, their delicious food soon catches the eye of an ambitious cheetah with a failing fast-food chain who is willing to resort to nefarious tactics to steal their family legacy.
Starring Leslie Jones, Remy Hii and Olivia Vásquez.
Cyfarwyddwr: Tania Vincent. Ricard Cussó/2024/Australia/84munud
Ar ôl i storm frawychus ddinistrio eu cartref, mae teulu kooky o slotiau yn symud i’r ddinas fawr heb ddim byd ond eu hen lori bwyd rhydlyd a llyfr coginio gwerthfawr o ryseitiau teuluol.
Pan fydd eu busnes teuluol newydd yn dod yn llwyddiant ysgubol, cyn bo hir mae eu bwyd blasus yn dal llygad cheetah uchelgeisiol gyda chadwyn fwyd gyflym sy’n methu sy’n barod i droi at dactegau di-ffael i ddwyn etifeddiaeth eu teulu.
Yn serennu Leslie Jones, Remy Hii ac Olivia Vásquez.