

Meet The Authors

Venue: Ffwrn

Date: Sunday September 22nd

Time: 1:00pm

An afternoon of literary riches. Richard Gwyn will be reading from his latest book Ambassador of Nowhere and in conversation/Q&A with Sue Lewis. Emyr Wallace Humphreys will be reading from his translation into English of the Welsh sci-fi classic Y Dydd Olaf (The Last Day) and in conversation/Q&A with Jon Gower. Local author Tim Wickenden will be reading from his latest novel That Girl in the Boxcar and in conversation/Q&A with Mike Ponsford.

Delivered with Bilingual BSL Interpretation

Prynhawn o gyfoeth llenyddol. Richard Gwyn bydd yn darllen o’i lyfr diweddaraf Ambassador of Nowhere ac mewn sgwrs/holi ac ateb gyda Sue Lewis. Emyr Wallace Humphreys bydd yn darllen o’i cyfieithiad i’r Saesneg o glasur ffuglen wyddonol Cymraeg Y Dydd Olaf (The Last Day) a mewn sgwrs/holi ac ateb gyda Jon Gower. Awdur lleol Tim Wickenden bydd yn darllen o’i nofel diweddaraf That Girl in the Boxcar a mewn sgwrs/holi ac ateb gyda Mike Ponsford.

Wedi’i gyflwyno gyda Dehongliad Dwyieithog BSL


September 22, 2024
1:00 pm