Klimt and the Kiss (12A)
The Kiss by Gustav Klimt is one of the most recognised and reproduced paintings in the world. It is perhaps the most popular poster on student dorm walls from Beijing to Boston.
Painted in Vienna around 1908, the evocative image of an unknown embracing couple has captivated viewers with its mystery, sensuality and dazzling materials ever since it was created. But just what lies behind the appeal of the painting – and just who was the artist that created it?
Delving into the details of real gold, decorative designs, symbolism and simmering erotica, a close study of the painting takes us to the remarkable turn of the century Vienna when a new world was battling with the old.
From the director of ‘Frida Kahlo’ and ‘Mary Cassatt – Painting the Modern Woman’ comes a powerful, gripping and passionate new film.
From the producers of Vermeer: The Greatest Exhibition
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The Kiss gan Gustav Klimt yw un o’r paentiadau mwyaf adnabyddus ac a atgynhyrchwyd yn y byd. Efallai mai dyma’r poster mwyaf poblogaidd ar waliau ystafelloedd cysgu myfyrwyr o Beijing i Boston.
Wedi’i phaentio yn Fienna tua 1908, mae’r ddelwedd atgofus o gwpl cofleidio anhysbys wedi swyno gwylwyr gyda’i ddirgelwch, ei synhwyrau a’i ddeunyddiau disglair byth ers ei greu. Ond beth sydd wrth wraidd apêl y paentiad – a phwy oedd yr artist a’i creodd?
Gan ymchwilio i fanylion aur go iawn, dyluniadau addurniadol, symbolaeth ac erotica mudferwi, mae astudiaeth fanwl o’r paentiad yn mynd â ni i dro rhyfeddol Fienna ganrif pan oedd byd newydd yn brwydro â’r hen fyd.
Gan gyfarwyddwr ‘Frida Kahlo’ a ‘Mary Cassatt – Painting the Modern Woman’ daw ffilm newydd bwerus, afaelgar ac angerddol.
Gan gynhyrchwyr Vermeer: The Greatest Exhibition