

IF (U)

Director:  John Krasinski/USA,Canada/2024/104mins

A young girl who goes through a difficult experience begins to see everyone’s imaginary friends who have been left behind as their real-life friends have grown up. In this magical adventure the girl reconnects forgotten IFs with their kids. Plenty of fun and heartfelt moments to enjoy and a stellar cast along with a legendary voice cast.

Cyfarwyddwr: John Krasinski/USA,Canada/2024/104munud

Mae merch ifanc sy’n mynd trwy brofiad anodd yn dechrau gweld ffrindiau dychmygol pawb sydd wedi’u gadael ar ôl wrth i’w ffrindiau bywyd go iawn dyfu i fyny. Yn yr antur hudol hon mae’r ferch yn ailgysylltu dyheadau anghofiedig â’u plant. Digon o eiliadau hwyliog a thwymgalon i’w mwynhau a chast o sêr ynghyd â chast o actorion llais chwedlonol.