

Ypres to Somme – a Visit to some of the WWI battle fields and memorials

A Remembrance theme, with particular reference to those from our local communities who lost their lives during the First World War and a reference to the D. Day anniversary. 

Edward Perkins will join us, assisted by members of the British Legion, Rev. Jonathan Wright and Canon Michael Rowlands with insights into the conflict and a description from visits to some of the historic battle grounds.

Ypres to Somme – ymweliad â rhai o feysydd brwydr a chofebion y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf

Thema Cofio, gan gyfeirio’n benodol at y rhai o’n cymunedau lleol a gollodd eu bywydau yn ystod y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf a chyfeiriad at ben-blwydd D. Day. 

Bydd Edward Perkins yn ymuno â ni, gyda chymorth aelodau’r Lleng Brydeinig, y Parch Jonathan Wright a’r Canon Michael Rowlands gyda mewnwelediad i’r gwrthdaro a disgrifiad o ymweliadau â rhai o feysydd hanesyddol y frwydr.


Remembrance Event
November 6, 2024
6:00 pm