Director: Angel Manuel Soto/USA, Mexico/2023/127mins
An alien scarab beetle chooses Jaime Reyes to be its symbiotic host, bestowing the recent college graduate with a suit of armour that’s capable of extraordinary powers, forever changing his destiny as he becomes the superhero known as Blue Beetle.
Angel Manuel Soto/USA,Mecsico/2023/127munud
Mae chwilen scarab estron yn dewis Jaime Reyes i fod yn westeiwr symbiotig iddi, gan roi siwt arfwisg â phwerau rhyfeddol i’r myfyriwr ifanc. Wedi graddio’n ddiweddar yn y coleg, mae hyn yn newid ei thynged am byth a daw’n archarwr o’r enw Blue Beetle.