Director: Joe Lawlor, Christine Molloy/Ireland,UK/2024/98mins
‘Baltimore’ is a vivid, intense, true-crime drama about the inner life of the late Rose Dugdale, former debutante who left England to become a member of the Provisional Irish Republican Army.
This wealthy English heiress was radicalised at Oxford, joined the IRA and in the early 70s was involved in an art theft from a stately home in the Irish republic – and also helped drop homemade bombs from a stolen helicopter on to a police station.
Cyfarwyddwr: Joe Lawlor, Christine Molloy/Ireland,UK/2024/98munud
Mae ‘Baltimore’ yn ddrama fywiog, ddwys, am fywyd mewnol y diweddar Rose Dugdale, cyn-ddramodydd a adawodd Loegr i ddod yn aelod o Fyddin Weriniaethol Iwerddon.
Cafodd yr aeres Seisneg gyfoethog hon ei radicaleiddio yn Rhydychen, ymunodd â’r IRA ac yn y 70au cynnar bu’n rhan o ladrad celf o blastŷ yng ngweriniaeth Iwerddon. Helpodd hefyd i ollwng bomiau cartref o hofrennydd oedd wedi’i ddwyn o orsaf heddlu.