Adam Driver stars as Enzo Ferrari, the passionate ex-racing driver who built an automotive empire.
Set in the summer of 1957, the entrepreneur pushes himself and his drivers to the edge as they launch into the Mille Miglia, a treacherous 1,000-mile race across Italy. Beautifully shot with a mix of intense racing action and family drama.
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Adam Driver sy’n serennu fel Enzo Ferrari, y cyn-yrrwr rasio angerddol a adeiladodd ymerodraeth fodurol. Wedi’i gosod yn haf 1957, mae’r entrepreneur yn gwthio ei hun a’i yrwyr i’r eithaf wrth iddynt lansio i mewn i’r Mille Miglia, ras 1,000 o filltiroedd peryglus ar draws yr Eidal. Wedi’i saethu’n hyfryd gyda chymysgedd o rasio dwys a drama deuluol.