Having failed to defeat Aquaman before, Black Manta, still driven by the need to avenge his father’s death, will stop at nothing to take Aquaman down once and for all. This time Black Manta is more formidable than ever before, wielding the power of the mythic Black Trident, which unleashes an ancient and malevolent force. Aquaman must forge an uneasy alliance with an unlikely ally to protect Atlantis, and the world, from irreversible devastation.
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Ar ôl methu â threchu Aquaman o’r blaen, ni fydd Black Manta, (sy’n dal i gael ei yrru gan yr angen i ddial am farwolaeth ei dad,) yn ildio tan iddo drechu Aquaman, unwaith ac am byth. Y tro hwn mae Black Manta yn fwy arswydus nag erioed, gan ddefnyddio grym y Trident Du chwedlonol, sy’n rhyddhau grym hynafol a maleisus. Rhaid i Aquaman gydweithio’n anesmwyth â chynghreiriad annhebygol i amddiffyn Atlantis, a’r byd, rhag dinistr di-droi’n-ôl.