Sound Walk
Tune in to the sounds of the landscape and discover secret sonic worlds, from within the wetlands to under the ocean waves. Using a combination of specialised microphones and listening exercises, participants are invited to experience their environment from a fresh and unique perspective. The sound walk will be led by artists Molly Macleod and David Pepper, passing through Goodwick Moor Nature Reserve and down to Goodwick Sands.
Meeting Point: Outside The Shack, opposite Goodwick Bridge Car Park
Date: Saturday September 23rd at 12:00pm
Ticket Price: FREE Event – Booking is required
Taith Gerdded Sain
Gwrandewch ar synau’r tirwedd a darganfyddwch fydoedd sonig cyfrinachol, o’r gwlyptiroedd i donnau’r cefnfor.
Gan ddefnyddio cyfuniad o feicroffonau arbenigol ac ymarferion gwrando, gwahoddir cyfranogwyr i brofi eu hamgylchedd o safbwynt ffres ac unigryw. Arweinir y daith sain gan yr artistiaid Molly Macleod a David Pepper, gan basio trwy Warchodfa Natur Gwaun Wdig ac i lawr i Draeth Wdig.
Man Cyfarfod: Tu allan i The Shack, gyferbyn â Maes Parcio Pont Wdig
Dyddiad: Dydd Sadwrn Medi 23ain am 12:00yp
Pris Tocyn: Digwyddiad AM DDIM – Mae angen archebu lle.