Kosmos Ensemble is re-defining the relationship between classical and world music. The trio has twice been winners of ‘Selected Artists’ by the Making Music organisation and has gathered accolades from all over the world. United by a shared passion for improvisation, music from around the globe as well as the rigours of classical training, each member of Kosmos is an international soloist in their own right and brings individual flavour to the group. Kosmos recently released their third album on the Nimbus label to critical acclaim.
Mae Kosmos Ensemble yn ailddiffinio’r berthynas rhwng cerddoriaeth glasurol a byd-eang. Mae’r triawd wedi bod yn enillwyr ‘Selected Artists’ gan y sefydliad Making Music ddwywaith ac wedi casglu clod o bob rhan o’r byd. Wedi’u huno gan angerdd a rennir am waith byrfyfyr, cerddoriaeth o bob rhan o’r byd yn ogystal â thrylwyredd hyfforddiant clasurol, mae pob aelod o Kosmos yn unawdydd rhyngwladol yn ei rinwedd ei hun ac yn dod â blas unigol i’r grŵp. Yn ddiweddar rhyddhaodd Kosmos eu trydydd albwm ar y label Nimbus i ganmoliaeth feirniadol.
“… telepathic rapport, dazzling virtuosity, serious scholarship, intellectual curiosity and impeccable musicianship. I defy you not to be mesmerised.” The Times
“Revelatory … their wild synthesis of tango arrangements, Jewish folk songs, Leonard Bernstein riffs and improvised takes on Vaughan Williams was an unexpected gift: brilliantly done with style and spunk.” The Telegraph