


Kate, a former storm chaser haunted by a devastating encounter with a tornado, is lured back to the open plains by her friend, Javi to test a new tracking system. She crosses paths with Tyler, who thrives on posting his storm-chasing adventures on social media. 

As the storm season intensifies, terrifying phenomena are unleashed and Kate, Tyler and their competing teams find themselves in the paths of multiple storm systems over Oklahoma in the fight of their lives.

Mae Kate, cyn-heriwr stormydd, sy’n cael ei phoeni gan brofiad dinistriol â chorwynt, yn cael ei denu yn ôl i’r gwastadeddau agored gan ei ffrind, Javi i brofi system olrhain newydd. Mae hi’n croesi llwybr â Tyler, sy’n ffynnu ar bostio ei anturiaethau stormydd ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol. 

Wrth i dymor y storm ddwysau, mae ffenomenau arswydus yn cael eu rhyddhau. Mae Kate,Tyler a’u tîmau sy’n cystadlu, yn cael eu hunain ar lwybrau systemau storm lluosog dros Oklahoma, ac yn ymladd am eu bywydau.