


Ivan (Uncle Vanya) has spent his life managing the estate and business affairs of his family with little regard for his efforts.

Andrew Scott plays the titular character alongside his second wife Helena, retired professor Alexander and his daughter Sonia, Vanya’s widowed mother Maureen, his romantic rival the country doctor Michael and the nanny Maria, alongside Elizabeth and Liam. Filmed live from its sold-out West End run.

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Mae Ivan (Wncwl Vanya) wedi treulio ei oes yn rheoli ystâd a materion busnes ei deulu heb fawr o ystyriaeth i’w ymdrechion.

Mae Andrew Scott yn chwarae’r cymeriad teitl ochr yn ochr â’i ail wraig Helena, yr athro wedi ymddeol Alexander a’i ferch Sonia, mam weddw Vanya Maureen, ei wrthwynebydd rhamantus y meddyg gwlad Michael a’r nani Maria, ochr yn ochr ag Elizabeth a Liam. Wedi’i ffilmio’n fyw o’i rediad yn y West End sydd wedi gwerthu allan.