


Les Misérables:The Staged Concert Live! (40th Anniversary)

To mark the 40th anniversary of the world’s most popular musical, Les Misérables, a unique opportunity to experience the spectacular staged concert version on the big screen featuring an all-star cast including Michael Ball, Alfie Boe, Carrie Hope Fletcher, Matt Lucas and John Owen Jones

With a cast and orchestra of over 65 and including the songs I Dreamed A Dream, Bring Him Home, One Day More and On My Own this sensational staged concert is not to be missed. 

I nodi 40 mlynedd ers sioe gerdd fwyaf poblogaidd y byd, Les Misérables, cyfle unigryw i brofi’r fersiwn cyngerdd llwyfan ysblennydd ar y sgrin fawr sy’n cynnwys cast llawn sêr gan gynnwys Michael Ball, Alfie Boe, Carrie Hope Fletcher, Matt Lucas a John Owen Jones

Gyda chast a cherddorfa o dros 65 ac yn cynnwys y caneuon I Dreamed A Dream, Bring Him Home, One Day More ac On My Own nid yw’r cyngerdd llwyfan cyffrous hwn i’w golli.


February 9, 2025
7:00 pm