A fabulous evening of entertainment hosted by the brilliant Clare Ferguson-Walker with a fashion show to take your breath away and music by the talented Tongue and Groove Band.
We celebrate the achievements of women in Pembrokeshire and raise funds for local charities.
The TG International Women’s Day ‘Woman of the Year Award 2024’ will be presented to a well deserving and inspirational woman.
Tickets £10 to include a mimosa cocktail.
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Noson wych o adloniant wedi’i chynnal gan yr hynod Clare Ferguson-Walker gyda sioe ffasiwn i dynnu’ch gwynt a
cherddoriaeth gan y Tongue and Groove Band talentog.
Rydym yn dathlu llwyddiannau merched yn Sir Benfro acyn codi arian ar gyfer elusennau lleol. Bydd ‘Gwobr Menyw’r Flwyddyn 2024’ Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Menywod TG yn cael ei chyflwyno i fenyw haeddiannol ac ysbrydoledig.
Tocynnau £10 i gynnwys coctel mimosa.
Live Event