
Canterville Ghost


Director: Kim Burdon, Robert Chandler/2023/UK/89mins

In this animated adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s children’s story, the ghost of Sir Simon Canterville (Stephen Fry) has been roaming his castle for centuries, searching for a descendant who can release him from his curse by performing a brave deed. Finally a courageous family moves in and he tells his tale to the inquisitive Virginia- but can the two of them survive the Ghost Catcher?  

Cyfarwyddwr: Kim Burdon, Robert Chandler/2023/UK/89munud

Yn yr addasiad animeiddiedig hwn o stori i blant gan Oscar Wilde, mae ysbryd Syr Simon Canterville (Stephen Fry) wedi bod yn crwydro ei gastell ers canrifoedd. Mae’n chwilio am ddisgynnydd a all ei ryddhau o’i felltith trwy gyflawni gweithred ddewr. O’r diwedd mae teulu mentrus yn symud i mewn ac mae yr ysbryd yn adrodd ei hanes i’r ferch chwilfrydig – Virginia. Gall y ddau ohonynt oroesi’r Ghost Catcher?